Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Comparison Between Cloud 9’s Script by Caryl Churchill and Play Directed by Patrick Logan Act I - Power Point

Comparison Between Cloud 9’s Script by Caryl Churchill and Play Directed by Patrick Logan Act I

By : Elvera Yuniarsih

This paper is an analysis of a Cloud 9 by Caryl Churchill. The purpose of this writing is to understand the differencess between Cloud 9's script and play. The writer uses theory of theme and close reading and close viewing method. The writer finds that there are some changes to the drama script by Patrick Logan. To conclude, the changes made by Patrick Logan do not diminish the essence of the story, but add a dramatic impression that the audience can be carried away by the atmosphere in the story.

1. Introduction
            Cloud 9 is one of the most popular drama by Caryl Churchill and was adopted into a stage play by Patrick Logan. In the play, it tells about Clive and Betty life and their marriage.

2. Theoretical Framework
            Comparative Literature is the study of literature and other cultural expressions across linguistic and cultural boundaries. It is the history of international literary relations. By studying comparative literature, w have an opportunity to study texts from a range of cultural contexts, historical periods, or literary movements.

3. Biography of Caryl Churchill
            Caryl Churchill was born on September 3, 1938, in London, England. She worked with numerous theater companies, including Joint Stock and Monstrous Regiment, producing such works as Cloud Nine, and A Mouthful of Birds, co-written with David Lan.

4. Summary of Cloud 9
            CLIVE is a colonial administrator. His wife named BETTY. She has two kids named EDWARD and VICTORIA. But she also have an affair with HARRY, who is a closest friend of CLIVE. In the other hand, ELLEN, a governess of her son, is falling in love with BETTY. HARRY is not only have an sexual desire for BETTY, but also for EDWARD and JOSHUA. Later, CLIVE knows their affair and BETTY is begging for his apologizes. At the end, ELLEN and HARRY are forced to married because it is the only way to stopped the sexual scandal that happens among them but then CLIVE was killed by JOSHUA, his black servant.

5. Discussion
                       i.     Script :
JOSHUA comes with a drink for CLIVE.

Play :
JOSHUA comes with a drink and a chair for CLIVE.

In this scene, JOSHUA seems to bring a drink and a chair for CLIVE while he talking to her wife. In the script, it tells that JOSHUA only brings a drink, without a chair. I think that the director wants to give a different kind of action to JOSHUA’s character to make the scene seems more alive and make sense.

                       ii.     Script :
ALL (sing). O’er countless numbers she, our Queen, Victoria reigns supreme;
                    O’er Afric’s sunny plains, and o’er Canadian frozen stream;
                    The forge of war shall weld the chains of brotherhood secure;
                    So to all time in ev’ry clime our Empire shall endure.
                    Then gather around for England,
                        Rally to the flag,
                        From North and South and East and West
                        Come on and all for England!
Play :
They just sing this part only.

                    Then gather around for England,
                    Rally to the flag,
                    From North and South and East and West
                    Come on and all for England!


Cloud 9 Act 1 (1:44)                                  Cloud 9 Act 1 (1:55)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7DtqdpRfQY&list=PL2hXoqu_xoCdYy019bbu_gbD4B4iQRsjv&index=1 accessed on May,1 2017)

In this scene, all of the characters only sing the last part of the song. In my opinion, the director wants to shorten the singing part because it was too long and takes more time in a stage play. But it is not reduced the meaning of the song because they sing the main part of it.

                     iii.     Script :
JOSHUA, his black servant, played by a white.

Play :
JOSHUA was played by a black.
Description :
This is a first scene in a play when CLIVE was introduced the member of his family and servants. In the script, JOSHUA was supposed to be played by a white man. But in the play, his character was played by a black man instead. In the story, JOSHUA was actually CLIVE’s black servant, so in my opinion, the director was decided to used a black man to played JOSHUA’s character to deepen his character.

                     iv.     Script :
Low bright sun. Verandah. Flagpole with union jack. The family - CLIVE, BETTY, EDWARD, VICTORIA, MAUD, ELLEN, JOSHUA.

There is no statement about CLIVE blowing flute before they started to sing.

Play :
There is no Flagpole with union jack.

CLIVE blowing flute before they started to sing.

Description :
It seems that there is no flagpole in the beginning of this scene, but the script described that there is a flagpole. The flagpole appears at the end of the scene. And then, it seems that CLIVE blowing flute before they started to sing. But in the script, there is no statement about it. I think the director was trying to give a variety to this play, so it can make the audience amused.

                       v.     Script :
BETTY.      He is rude to me. He doesn’t do what I say. Speak to him.

BETTY.      He doesn’t do what I say. He is rude to me. Speak to him.
CLOUD 9.png

In this scene, BETTY tells CLIVE about JOSHUA’s bad behaviour towards her. In my opinion, it seems that she does not get a proper treatment from a man when CLIVE was gone. The director also make a variety by switching the first sentences in dialog on the script to the second sentences on the play.

                     vi.     Script:
BETTY.      He said Fetch it yourself. You’ve got legs under that dress.

BETTY.      He said Fetch it yourself. You’ve got legs under that skirt.
CLOUD 9.png

In this scene, BETTY tells CLIVE about JOSHUA’s bad behaviour towards her. In the script, the author used the word “dress” while the director of the play was choose to used the word “skirt”. I think the director wants to give an improvisasion only, without changes the real meaning of the “dress”.

                   vii.     Script :
BETTY. He certainly doesn’t admire me, Clive, what a thing to                             say. How could I possibly guess from that. ...

Play :
BETTY says, “What a thing to say. Of course he doesn’t admire me, Clive.”

In this scene, BETTY feels shame about what is CLIVE thinking about her. She is denied that HARRY admire her because she does not want CLIVE to be suspicious of her. The director also make a variety by switching the first sentences in dialog on the script to the second sentences on the play.

                 viii.     Script:
MAUD.      You are looking very pretty tonight. You were such a                                   success as a young girl. You have made a most fortunated                              marriage. I’m sure you will be an excellent hostess to Mr                                  Bagley.
BETTY.      I feel quite nervous as the thought of entertaining.

In this scene, BETTY seems nervous about her meeting with HARRY. She feels uncomfortable when MAUD is started to talk about him. I think that BETTY feels insecure and try to pretended in front of her mother because she wants to covered her affair with HARRY.

                     ix.     Script:
                        BETTY.      What a long time they’re taking. I always seem to be                                    waiting for the men.
                        MAUD.      Betty you have to learn to be patient. I am patient. My                                 mama was very patient.

In this scene, BETTY seems impatient when she is waiting for CLIVE and HARRY to come. Of course she unable to resist her desire to meet HARRY but she makes excuse to prevent suspicion from her mother.

                           x.     Script :
BETTY.   Please like me.
HARRY.  I worship you.
BETTY.   Please want me.
HARRY.  I don’t want to want you. Of course I want you.

In this scene, it seems that BETTY is begging for HARRY’s love. I think that HARRY likes BETTY too, but he does not want to fell it anymore because he realized that BETTY is CLIVE’s wife.

                         xi.     Script :

In this scene, it seems that CLIVE already know about BETTY’s affair with HARRY. He is very angry with her and BETTY directly begging for his apologize. In my opinion, CLIVE is really mad about their fault, but he can not mad at his own friend. So, he decided to forgive BETTY at the end.

                          xii.   Script :
HARRY.  ...-My great fortune in winning Ellen’s love – happiest day                           of my life. 

In this scene, HARRY is married to ELLEN. In my opinion, he does not look happy about his marriage. It seems when he giving a speech, he just looked away.

6. Conclusion
              From the discussion, it can be conclude that a few changes made by Patrick Logan towards the script do not reduce the essence of the story. Otherwise, it is add a dramatic impression, so the audience can be carried away by the atmosphere in the story and understand the story easily.

Caryl Lesley Churchill

(https://www.biography.com/people/caryl-lesley-churchill-9248036 accessed on June, 7 2017)